Today is the second anniversary of the passing of my predecessor, the late, great Rolo. Our lives overlapped for about a year and I am forever in his debt for accepting me, when he was a very senior dog, as part of his household, and for sharing with me just a few of his many skills and experiences. He was quite a fur!
When dogs go over the rainbow bridge, there is an understandable out-pouring of heartfelt anguish from their family. Those who have lost a pet, know how it feels, and there is much love and support for those who are going through such a bereavement, at least in the lovely world of dog twitter, if not always in the wider world. But although it doesn't feel like it will ever happen at the time, feelings do change and for us, the pain of loss has been replaced by a fond remembrance and a gratitude for the time we had together. Rolo might not be here in the fur, but his presence is carried with us and anyone who knew him, through our lives. His mark, like paw prints in setting concrete (it will be no surprise to learn that Rolos' are forever embedded in the foundations to 'Her Indoors' office!), is indelible.
When Rolo died, he was sixteen years and three months old. He suffered from the range of aging infirmities including bad arthritis which plagued his later years. When he passed, the memories were of an elderly dog, in decline. Two years on, 'Them Indoors' can remember him as a younger fur, playing with the juniors, obsessed with tennis balls, racing around, forever up to no-good. They remember his whole life not just the end part.
We are particularly blessed with the Boss. He left his two books: 'The Last Rolo' - a year in his life, and 'Sit, Stay, Roll Over' - a training manual for dogs on how to get the best out of their humans. His voice is forever with us and anyone else who cares to read them. Add to that, the videos, photos and memory box 'Them Indoors' compiled after he passed, and we have a wealth of happy reminders of a fine dog who led life to the full, at top speed!
Death is a part of life, and knowing it is there for all of us, gives
tremendous value to the time we have together. And a death, although terribly
sad, is not necessarily a tragedy, it is the end of a chapter. When my previous
owner, Sandra, died, it felt like my world was collapsing, but I have gone on
to find great happiness in my new home, and have done many things I had never
done before with a whole new family. Whilst I didn't replace the Boss; he was
and is irreplaceable, what can I tell you, I did help 'Them Indoors' to move
forward and I've taught 'Him Indoors' that there are many different kinds of
dog, and Rolo was his own indimitable version.
So, on this special anniversary, we won't feel sad, we'll feel happy for the great times we had, and the fun times we are having and will have, of which, Rolo is still a part. And if you have recently lost a pet yourself, take heart, it does get easier and one day, you too will look back and smile.
What a cutie!
As a youngster - he was a fine looking fur!
Rolo the author
The Boss in MY bed!
The Boss teaching me how to be a literary fur!
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